
上诉 & 投诉

The 残疾人士资源中心 (DRC), within the Department of Student Affairs, functions as the central point for providing reasonable accommodations for students 有残疾的 在北科罗拉多大学任教. 在主任的指导下 残疾人士资源中心, the office is responsible for reviewing requests for accommodations from students and ensuring equitable access to the educational environment for students 有残疾的. It is the responsibility of the DRC to analyze all information 在做出平等机会的决定时. 

If a student is denied accommodation or receives an accommodation that they consider ineffective by the DRC, the student may file an appeal of the decision through the 刚果民主共和国上诉程序. The scope of an appeal review is limited to determining whether an accommodation decision was reasonable under the circumstances. 

学生 有残疾的 are encouraged to first discuss any concerns with their assigned access coordinator or that person’s direct supervisor in the DRC. 大多数有关残疾 issues or complaints about accommodations, services, faculty, other campus departments, programs, or facilities are generally resolved at this level. 

Any student who requires an accommodation to participate in the 刚果民主共和国上诉程序 may request an accommodation by contacting the DRC at DRC@奇怪的人.edu or 970-351-2289 

Accommodation requests for Housing and Emotional Support Animals have their own reconsideration/appeal 这些决策的过程.   




If informal discussions with personnel at the DRC have not resolved the issue, a student 是否可提出上诉 住宿上诉表格 within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the accommodation decision or event(s) 这个学生不同意. 本表格所要求的资料包括 the accommodation determination the student is appealing, the basis for the appeal, a description of the student’s concerns, and the resolution being sought in the appeal 过程. There will also be an opportunity within the 住宿上诉表格 to upload supplemental documents that the student believes lend support to their appeal.  The completed 住宿上诉表格 will be forwarded to the DRC Director. (In some cases, the Director may need to assign the appeal to a designee if timelines cannot be met or if the Director served as the student’s access coordinator for the 原始的决心).  


Once the 住宿上诉表格 is submitted, the DRC will contact the student by email to set an optional meeting with the DRC Director to have a conversation prior 对上诉作出裁决. DRC主任或其指定人员应召开会议 with the student within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the appeal if the 学生要求见面. 

 If the student who filed the appeal does not want to meet with the DRC Director or designee to discuss their appeal, they should inform the DRC that is the case (e. drc@奇怪的人.edu; p. 970-351-2289), and the appeal review will proceed without the meeting. 

 Note: When an appeal is being reviewed during Steps 1 – 2 and the student shares new disability-related information or disability documentation that was not provided during the original accommodation request 过程, the DRC Director or designee reserves the right to refer the student back to the student’s initial DRC access coordinator for a reassessment of the accommodation request because the presence of new information may have impacted the original determination if it had been submitted at that time. Supplementary documentation uploaded to the 住宿上诉表格 should be limited only to information that supports the individual’s claim that the original request was not evaluated reasonably by their access coordinator.  


A written decision about the appeal will be provided by the DRC Director or designee to the students’ Bearmail within ten (10) working days of Step 2 being completed. The appeal decision may have one of three outcomes: 

  1. 维持原判. 
  2. The original determination is sent back to the student’s access coordinator who issued the determination for reconsideration and re-engagement in the accommodation determination 互动的过程. 
  3. The original determination is reversed or amended in part or in whole. 

 If the appeal decision changes the original determination such that an accommodation is granted or modified, such grant or modification is prospective, not retroactive. 


投诉选项 & 报告 

A student, staff, faculty, or visiting third party who believes that they have been denied reasonable accommodations or otherwise discriminated against on the basis of disability or retaliated against in violation of UNC’s Non-Discrimination Policy (Board Policy Manual 1-1-508(2)) may file a complaint with UNC’s Office of Institutional 公平与合规: 

2101 10th 大街. 
格里利,CO 80639 
电子邮件: titleix@奇怪的人.edu 

投诉亦可于网上递交: http://lytx.nangong1.com/institutional-equity-compliance/ 


In addition, the student may explore resources, or file a complaint with, government offices external to the university including, as applicable: 

U.S. 教育部 
塞萨尔E. 查韦斯纪念大楼 

(2)  U.S. 律政司(DOJ) 
U.S. 律政司 
残疾人权利部分- 1425 NYAV 
华盛顿特区.C. 20530 

(3)  平等就业机会委员会(EEOC) 
303 E. 地址:17大道 410套房 

(4)  U.S. 住房和城市发展部 (HUD) 
Office of Compliance and Disability Rights Division 
U.S. 住房和城市发展部 
华盛顿特区.C. 20410